Blog: Risk and Uncertainty as Doppelgangers

Risk and its evil twin, Uncertainty

Bob and Agent Cooper from "Twin Peaks"

Doppelganger literally translated from German means "double walker." But it's come to mean someone who looks like you, but is not your twin. In folklore a doppelganger is often your evil twin. One of my favorite TV shows, "Twin Peaks," had an evil spirit named Bob who inhabited others creating an evil twin. Often this doppelganger would behave just like the original person, but then there would be deviations. The original series (spoiler alert!) ended as Bob transferred into the lead character, Agent Cooper. So the series ends with the hero becoming his evil doppelganger.

Risk and uncertainty are doppelgangers. Usually, they're very similar to one another but then, they'll start deviating. It's when they both reach high levels that we need to be concerned.

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