Blog: Is the Fed "Waiting for Godot?" "Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes. Its awful!" -Estragon
Blog: China's Minsky Moment? Would a Minsky Moment in China spread to the rest of the world making Global Financial Crisis 2, or would it remain local?
Blog: "Soft Landing Predictions" of cycles past The soft landing bandwagon is getting full, but history is against it.
Blog: Central Banks and "The Logic of Failure." Studies of complex decision making may help us understand future monetary policy.
Blog: The Method and Madness Model of irrational behavior Rational and irrational behavior defined by comparing the types of uncertainty we face with the decision making methods we use.
Blog: Sandpile Monetary Policy and Inflation Do the dynamics of sandpiles and complexity theory tell us something about monetary policy?
Blog: Hard, soft or aborted landing revisited Back at the end of February I proposed an "aborted landing" as an alternative to a hard landing (a nice way of describing a crash) or a soft landing for the economy. At the time a "no landing" scenario was also preposed by many analysts. But
Blog: The Fed's Dueling Mandates are a problem The Fed's dual mandates of price stability and maximum employment are now dueling mandates.
Blog: Recognition for Dr. Harry Markowitz - the Founder of Quantitative Finance. Harry Markowitz was not just the father of Modern Portfolio Theory.
Blog: Is the Fed truly "Anchoring" Inflation Expectations? "Well anchored" inflation expectations to the 2% target are another Fed pipe dream particularly if viewed using the Fractal Market Hypothesis.