Blog: Did August Market Volatility Mean Anything? Was it "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" or "Something wicked this way comes?"
Blog - Leverage is Increasing: Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that leverage is rising. Many people think leverage, which is going into debt, is always bad. Others feel the opposite. The fact that most people in the middle class borrow at least 80% of the value of their homes to buy them is
Blog: Can China Make the Phase Transition to Complexity? Will Chinese government allow their economy to develop an invisible hand?
Blog: The Goalie's Dilemma-Increasing Uncertainty to Reduce Risk When risk and uncertainty are not synonymous.
Newsletter: Financial Instability-A Question of Leverage How do we distinguish between good and bad leverage? Previously unpublished research.
Blog: Monetary Inflation May be Waking Up As supply side inflation falls, monetary inflation may be rising.
Blog: Glass half-empty/full paradox comes to the markets It's not how the market glass looks, but how it got there that matters.