Blog: Inflation glide path - Linear or Non-linear? When it comes to inflation, investors are using "two dimensional thinking"
Blog: Glass half-empty/full paradox comes to the markets It's not how the market glass looks, but how it got there that matters.
Newsletter: The Fractal Market Hypothesis, the Infinite Variance Syndrome and the Nature of Risk Markowitz and Mandelbrot were both right. Previously unpublished research.
Blog: Implied Vols may be losing their power In the Market Uncertainty State Indicator (MUSI), I use implied volatility indices to measure equity risk, and an additional one for liquidity risk. They are the S&P VIX, the EuroStoxx VSTOXX, and the Oil OVX. For liquidity I combine these with the MOVE index, a measure of US
Blog: Recognition for Dr. Harry Markowitz - the Founder of Quantitative Finance. Harry Markowitz was not just the father of Modern Portfolio Theory.
Blog: Is the Fed truly "Anchoring" Inflation Expectations? "Well anchored" inflation expectations to the 2% target are another Fed pipe dream particularly if viewed using the Fractal Market Hypothesis.
Blog: The VIX-One of these things is not like the others . . . The VIX diverges from fundamental risks, for now.
Newsletter: Fuzzy Sets and AI - Measuring Market Uncertainty As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful statements lose precision. - The Law of Incompatibility, Lofti Zadeh In this month’s newsletter, I’m discussing the use of fuzzy set principals embedded in the Market Climatology model. Fuzzy sets are a sub-set of artificial intelligence (AI) that mimics
Blog: This year's Debt Limit Crisis is different, to markets. Will this debt limit crisis lead to a bout of "creative destruction" in the Austrian economics sense?