Blog: Will Inflation Come Back for One Last Scare? The Aborted Landing Scenario rises from its economic grave.
Flash Report: MUSI signals Fragile Markets Turmoil in the Middle East have increased downside market risk.
Blog: El Nino and Commodities Revisited With the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene on the Southeastern US, and the transition from El Nino back to La Nina taking place, I thought it might be a good time to revisit the work I published in a Newsletter last year. In the newsletter I came up with a
Blog: I See Market Risk Arising, But trouble's not on the way, yet. Downside risks are building, but not yet critical.
Flash Report: Market State Uncertainty Indicator (MUSI) shifts from Resilient to Transition Interest Rate Risk and Global Business Conditions are now negative.
Blog: Imagine Monetary Policy Implemented by Politicians Would they have the guts to crash the economic party?
Blog: Did August Market Volatility Mean Anything? Was it "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" or "Something wicked this way comes?"
Blog: The Inflation Outlook Is Worse Than it Looks Fed policy may not be as affective as investors think.