Blog: Is the Fed truly "Anchoring" Inflation Expectations? "Well anchored" inflation expectations to the 2% target are another Fed pipe dream particularly if viewed using the Fractal Market Hypothesis.
Blog: Yet another "new normal" for inflation and interest rates? The stock and bond markets have spoken. We are now in a persistent environment of 4% to 5% inflation and corresponding interest rates. While the phrase “new normal” has roots back to World War I and has been used by people as disparate as market guru, Mohammed El-Erian and science
Blog: The VIX-One of these things is not like the others . . . The VIX diverges from fundamental risks, for now.
Newsletter: Fuzzy Sets and AI - Measuring Market Uncertainty As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful statements lose precision. - The Law of Incompatibility, Lofti Zadeh In this month’s newsletter, I’m discussing the use of fuzzy set principals embedded in the Market Climatology model. Fuzzy sets are a sub-set of artificial intelligence (AI) that mimics
Blog: Complacency - What doesn't kill inflation gets ignored. Entrenched inflation expectations are what the Fed's trying to kill. So far, no luck.
Blog: The VIX thinks the Fed genie will grant the market's wish. Across the globe investors are hoping the Fed genie will keep everyone safe. But I, for one, am not betting on it.
Blog: This year's Debt Limit Crisis is different, to markets. Will this debt limit crisis lead to a bout of "creative destruction" in the Austrian economics sense?
Blog: An El Nino level regime change for the markets? In the Market Climatology section of the Hypertext Book, I use the El Nino Southern Oscillator (ENSO) as an example of a climate level regime change. It appears that ENSO is undergoing such a regime change, from La Nina, which just ended, to El Nino, which will probably start in