Blog: Glass half-empty/full paradox comes to the markets It's not how the market glass looks, but how it got there that matters.
Newsletter: Is the bond market going wayback? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal suggested that it might be a good time to discuss the Inflation Level Regime Indicator (ILRI) and what it means for bond yields. In that article the author says that the "rule of thumb was that 10-year Treasury yields should be
Blog: Central Banks and "The Logic of Failure." Studies of complex decision making may help us understand future monetary policy.
Blog: Sandpile Monetary Policy and Inflation Do the dynamics of sandpiles and complexity theory tell us something about monetary policy?
Blog: Hard, soft or aborted landing revisited Back at the end of February I proposed an "aborted landing" as an alternative to a hard landing (a nice way of describing a crash) or a soft landing for the economy. At the time a "no landing" scenario was also preposed by many analysts. But
Blog: Recognition for Dr. Harry Markowitz - the Founder of Quantitative Finance. Harry Markowitz was not just the father of Modern Portfolio Theory.
Blog: Is the Fed truly "Anchoring" Inflation Expectations? "Well anchored" inflation expectations to the 2% target are another Fed pipe dream particularly if viewed using the Fractal Market Hypothesis.
Blog: Is a Fed "pause" good news or bad news? Once again we’re hearing that the end is near for Fed tightening. It’s hard to say whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. The optimists say: 1) Inflation has fallen significantly from its highs by most measures, 2) Credit conditions have tightened in the
Blog: The Road to Stagflation Stagflation is a stop along the road from growth to recession. But it's still a nasty place, and it's now a strong possibility.
Newsletter: Liquidity and the MOVE Index - An Early Warning Signal of Financial Crisis Liquidity has been in the media a lot lately. It’s one of those things we take for granted, until it’s dried up. In Fractal Market Analysis (1994) I made the point that markets don’t exist to give you a fair price (an assumption of the Efficient Market