More issues
Blog: The Fractal Market Hypothesis, 30 Years On
While still an "alternate" idea, research continues to support the FMH.
Blog: Disruption, Speculation and Money
Is crypto like a banana taped to the wall?
Blog: Brief Market Uncertainty Update
Feeling under the weather, so I'm going to make this post brief.
Despite the drop in raw implied volatilities and the rise in interest rates. The Market Uncertainty State Indicator (MUSI) remains at the Fragile reading. Aside from equity uncertainty:
Blog: Bitcoin Post Election Analysis
It's still not investing.
Announcement: Podcast Appearance
I'm happy to announce that this Saturday November 9th at 12:00 noon EDT I'll be appearing on a podcast hosted by Dr. Steven Keen, author of Debunking Economics, The New Economics: A Manifesto, and other books. Dr. Keen is well known for discussing the short-comings
Blog: Elections and the Fractal Market Hypothesis
Long-term investment horizons will likely become short-term this week.
Blog: The Fed Model says the market's overvalued. So what?
An overvalued market isn't enough for a Fragile market.
Blog: The Market's Not Fragile Like a Flower, but Fragile Like a Bomb.
Risks are piling up while financial leverage increases.
China's Minsky Moment Risks are Increasing
Is this a Global Financial Crisis 2 in the making?